High river levels may lead to flooding. Flooding of roads and low lying land is possible. Flooding is forecast to affect locations near the River Piddle, with low lying land and roads expected to be most affected, particularly around tributaries between Alton Pancras and Wareham.
Avoid using low lying footpaths and any bridges near local watercourses. Don't put yourself or others at risk.
This message will be updated by 12:00 PM on 13/02/2025, or as the situation changes.
Information supplied by the Environment Agency
This information last updated 12:34pm, Tuesday 11th February.
Tributaries between Alton Pancras and Wareham
Region: Wessex
Country: England
Counties covered: Dorset Council
Watercourses covered: River Piddle, River Trent
The area bounded in blue on the map shows the area covered by flood alerts and warnings for River Piddle and tributaries.
Note: the area shown on the map is the area covered by flood alerts and warnings. It is not a live map of current flooding. The area covered broadly equates to the area where the risk of flooding in any year is greater than 1% (the "hundred year" flood risk).
No current or recent warnings.
No current or recent warnings.
No current or recent warnings.
No current or recent warnings.
No current or recent warnings.