River Levels
River Levels

River Aire at Central Castleford

No current or recent warnings at this location.

Flood Warning Area Details

Castleford including Savile Road, Aire Street, Bridge Street, Francis Street, Queen Street, School Street, Princess Street, Smith Street and Green Lane

Region: Yorkshire

Country: England

Counties covered: Wakefield

Watercourses covered: River Aire

Area covered by this alert location

The area bounded in blue on the map shows the area covered by flood alerts and warnings for River Aire at Central Castleford.

Note: the area shown on the map is the area covered by flood alerts and warnings. It is not a live map of current flooding. The area covered broadly equates to the area where the risk of flooding in any year is greater than 1% (the "hundred year" flood risk).

Other Nearby Flood Warning Locations

Middle River Aire catchment
River Aire from Stockbridge to Castleford, including Bradford Beck, Oulton Beck and Kippax Beck

Recent warnings no longer in force.

River Aire at Castleford Lock Lane
Castleford including the Aire and Calder Navigation, Navigation Road, Lock Lane, William Street, Hunt Street, Mill Lane, Aire Street, Water View and Weir View

No current or recent warnings.

River Aire at Allerton Ings, Barnsdale Road and Properties
Allerton Ings including the A656 Barnsdale Road between Allerton Bywater and Castleford

Recent warnings no longer in force.

River Aire at Newton and Fairburn
Newton and Fairburn including Newton Lane, Caudle Hill and Ings Mere Court

No current or recent warnings.

River Aire at Allerton Bywater
Allerton Bywater including Leeds Road, Vicars Terrace, Main Street, Boat Lane, Victoria Street, Robinson Street, Back Lane and Station Road

No current or recent warnings.

River Aire at Mickletown
Mickletown including Main Street, Nelson Court, Lower Mickletown, Moor View, Pinfold Lane and Barnsdale Road

No current or recent warnings.

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RiverLevels.uk is a Good Stuff website.