River Levels
River Levels

River Yeo at Mudford

No current or recent warnings at this location.

Flood Warning Area Details

Mudford Bridge, Parsonage Farm and properties on Main Street

Region: Wessex

Country: England

Counties covered: Somerset

Watercourses covered: River Yeo

Area covered by this alert location

The area bounded in blue on the map shows the area covered by flood alerts and warnings for River Yeo at Mudford.

Note: the area shown on the map is the area covered by flood alerts and warnings. It is not a live map of current flooding. The area covered broadly equates to the area where the risk of flooding in any year is greater than 1% (the "hundred year" flood risk).

Other Nearby Flood Warning Locations

River Yeo from Yeovil to Limington
Downstream of Old Mill Farm area near Yeovil to Weir Bridge near Limington including West Mudford

No current or recent warnings.

River Yeo at Yeovilton
Weir Lane, Pyle Lane and Bineham Lane

No current or recent warnings.

River Cam
Weston Bampfylde to Speckington including Queen Camel, Wales, West Camel, Urgashay, Bridgehampton, Stockwitch Farm, the Fleet Air Arm Museum and the Speckington Manor area

No current or recent warnings.

River Yeo from Sherborne to Yeovil
New Road in Sherborne to the Old Mill Farm area near Yeovil including the Smiths Bridge area near Bradford Abbas, Broadclose Farm, Yeovil Junction Station and Sharmans Bridge area, Newton Surmaville, Chudleigh Mill and Yeobridge Trade Park near Yeovi

No current or recent warnings.

River Yeo at Ilchester
Kingshams, Limington Road, Lyster Close, Back Lane, Church Street, Almshouse Lane, West Street, High Street, Priory Road, Pill Bridge Lane, Bishops Walk, Friars Close, Canons Gate, Abbots Road and Northover

No current or recent warnings.

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RiverLevels.uk is a Good Stuff website.