At 9:00pm, Wednesday 19th February GMT
Within the usual range for this location
Steady, no change from previous measurement at 8:45pm, Wednesday 19th February GMT
Important! The levels for this location are measured relative to sea level, not relative to the riverbed. The levels shown here do not, therefore, necessarily represent the actual depth of the water.
Lord's Hill and Lordswood to Millbrook, on the Tanners Brook
No current or recent warnings.
No current or recent warnings.
No current or recent warnings.
No current or recent warnings.
Mansbridge and Woodmill on the River Itchen
No current or recent warnings.
Darker blue shaded areas on long term data indicate maximum and minimum levels for the date (you may need to zoom in closer to see them).
Long term data may have gaps where the API data was not available.
Download long term data as csvNote: CSV data will include any outlying values that have been ignored by our graphing system as probably erroneous (eg, because they are ridiculously high compared to the values either side of them). It is your responsibility to filter these out if necessary.
Important! If you are planning to retrieve the csv data automatically, you must read and understand the limitations on the data and its availability.
Please note: Geographic coordinates may reflect the access point for the gauge, and not the precise location in the watercourse that it is taking readings from.
The usual range of the Tanners Brook at Shirley Pond Southampton RL is between 13.34m and 14.30m. It has been between these levels for 90% of the time since monitoring began.
The typical recent level of the Tanners Brook at Shirley Pond Southampton RL over the past 12 months has been between 13.36m and 13.42m. It has been between these levels for at least 153 days in the past year.
The highest level ever recorded at the Tanners Brook at Shirley Pond Southampton RL is 14.43m, reached on Sunday 3rd January 2016 at 12:00am.
Note that this data may not take account of recent measurements, as we wait until a level has been verified by the Environment Agency before adding it to our records.
Monitoring locations on nearby rivers