River Levels
River Levels

Brislington Brook, low lying properties set back from the river

No current or recent warnings at this location.

Flood Warning Area Details

Airport Road, Hither Bath Bridge, Lanes End, West Town Lane Primary School playing fields, Homemead Drive, Callington Road, Kenneth Road, the railway line at St Annes and Chapel Way

Region: Wessex

Country: England

Counties covered: City of Bristol

Watercourses covered: Brislington Brook

Area covered by this alert location

The area bounded in blue on the map shows the area covered by flood alerts and warnings for Brislington Brook, low lying properties set back from the river.

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

Note: the area shown on the map is the area covered by flood alerts and warnings. It is not a live map of current flooding. The area covered broadly equates to the area where the risk of flooding in any year is greater than 1% (the "hundred year" flood risk).

Other Nearby Flood Warning Locations

Lower Bristol Avon area
Lower River Avon, River Boyd, By and Brislington Brooks and tributaries

No current or recent warnings.

Brislington Brook, other properties set back from the river
Sturminster Road, West Town Grove, Beechmount Grove, Hengrove Avenue, Bears Bridge, Wootton Park, West Town Lane Primary School, Callington Road, Jean Road, Edna Avenue and Eldonwall Trading Estate

No current or recent warnings.

Brislington Brook, riverside properties
Oakdale Road, South Bristol Sports Ground, Church Hill, Hollywood Road, Jean Road, School Road, Clayfield Road, Victory Park, Natures Garden and St Annes Wood

No current or recent warnings.

Bristol Floating Harbour and the River Avon at Bristol, properties furthest from the river
Properties furthest from the river including Barton Hill Bridge area and Chapel Street on the Feeder Canal. Temple Meads area, Victoria Street, Princes Wharf, Mardyke Ferry Road and Hotwell Road on the Harbour and Totterdown Bridge area on the River

No current or recent warnings.

Bristol Floating Harbour and the River Avon at Bristol, riverside properties
Riverside properties on the Feeder Canal, Floating Harbour and River Avon including Netham, St Philips Marsh, Bathurst Basin, Harbour Wharfs, SS Great Britain Dry Docks, Bristol City Docks and the Cumberland Basin

No current or recent warnings.

RiverLevels.uk is an independent website. It is not associated with the Environment Agency or any other supplier of river level information. All data used on this site is supplied under licence. For queries about the data, please contact the underlying supplier.

RiverLevels.uk is a Good Stuff website.